Thursday, January 21, 2010


This is an image from my first "Dog-ography" Session! What do you think?


This image won First Place in the January Competition at the Indianapolis Camera Club! I couldn't have done it without the beautiful mother and her sweet little boy...and, of course - we needed her belly, too!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

January White Sale

Let's have a White Sale...what do you think? For the rest of the month of January - about two weeks - for portrait sessions on white backgrounds,..your session is free!

Check out the Silly Girl Collages on White!

Busy New Year!

The start of 2010 has been great for me...hope it is the same for you!

It's going to be a SUPER 2010!

My first session of the year was a sweet 3 week old baby and his beautiful mother...check out the collage!

Know anyone that might be interested in a collage of their child? Send me a referral and you will both receive a free session!