Monday, September 28, 2009

Holiday Scene is set!

I spent all day Saturday decorating for Holiday Portraits!

Yes, the tree is up and decorated - the presents are wrapped and under the tree.

Now, all I need is YOU!

Call for your appointment today!

Remember - Free Session if booked before September 30th!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Great Day!

I had a great day today...I booked 4 sessions for Holiday Portraits!

Weekends are filling up sure to call today!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Holiday Portraits

Thought you might like to see a Holiday Portrait I created last year.

This image made great Holiday Greeting Cards!

Vicki Townsend

Holiday Portraits

CELEBRATE FAMILY with Holiday Portraits!

It's time to schedule your Holiday Portrait Session.

Book your session before September 30th and your session will be done at No Charge.

Your session can be anytime in October or November.

You have your choice of using my Holiday Themed Props or not...up to you.

Because at Studio V...It's all about You!

Vicki Townsend

Welcome to the Blogging World

This is my first posting on my new blog!

I hope you will find it informative as it grows with photographs and information.